The video introduces the relation between three reflections, presenting a meta-experience that starts from the reality space while later on transcending from that stage. The video is formatted in a more stream-of-consciousness structure in the will to better reveal the idea in a premordial and prelanguage approach. In the video, the boundaries between living matters and theories are blurred, so that everything are expressed with massive hybridity that transgresses disciplines. It visualizes how the multiplification of specular reflection of intelligence generates diffuse reflection while multiple reflection mediates to generate a dynamic equilibrium. Each form of reflections are treated equility. In other words, none of them should be eradicated from the system. The ultimate ideal form is the symphony between the various reflected and reflections. 

The Story Board

Visual Assets

Specular Reflection
Inspired by cell division/mitosis, the visualization of specular reflection stresses the equational amplification of knowledge in a certain perspecitve.

Diffuse Reflection
Based on the mutation of cells in the process where cancer develops, the visual assets of diffuse reflection presents the absurdity and malfunctions of overflowed information.

Multiple Reflection
The DNA strand represents the template-like feature of multiple reflection which manages cells with its foundational codes. This visualization is later on replaced by the 3-dimensional cubes.