To show the all-encompassing feature the system has, I want to embrace both mechanic and organic elements to the design so that the visualization would be an orderly living being with its own agency. For the front page of the foldable brochure, it will be representing the organic matrix for the entire idea. Thus the aesthetic choice for that part leans towards a more lively aspect. On the other hand, imagining the entire brochure as a gigantic machine with mechanical gears, the symbols on the back side signifying the three parts are designed to be more mechanic and computer-based. Yet, all of the symbols and visualizations share the same triangular structure.


I also work with triangular shapes solely with a complete organic approach for both sides of the brochure. Discarded for this oversimplifies the fluidity this brochure should have.

These are the first ideations for a more mechanic approach. Later disregarded for the redundant elements.

Final Look
15 * 19 inches